OZ 25 (Dec 69)
Hippie Atrocities!
Sun Records / Sam Phillips
Dylan bootlegs
Furry Freak Bros
Tiny Tim collage
Peter Fonda
Chicago Conspiracy Trial
Russian prisons / Oxford Uni
Jack Kerouac
John Hurford painting

OZ 26 (Feb 70)
Pussy Power
+ Print Mint flyer
DH Lawrence poem
Portrait of a Bolshevist
Bill Levy's journal
Edward De Bono
Roddy McDowell
The Slag Heap Erupts
Candy Darling pic
The Food Eplosion 2
Acid Flicks
Chicago Conspiracy Trial

OZ 27 (Apr 70)
Acid OZ
The Acid Facts
Victor Jasha
Dealer McDope comix
Fred Gardner
Charles Manson
Dope Hope / Wooton Report
Women On the Moon
Arthur Lee / Love
Thomas Weir photo
Robert Finnis extract
Playpower in Pornoland