Hi there I was just looking at your links page and wondered whether my blog may merit a link? It's http://www.dope-smoker.co.uk. Many thanks, Andy - a pro-cannabis blog with advice on buying seeds, a world map of cannabis usage and other items of interest to dope smokers (and possibly law enforcement agencies) Would you be willing to exchange links? Check out http://www.time4hemp.com and let me know... we are just trying to reach out [to] all people who might find us through any source.. we feel it's important to get out message out to everyone possible. Thanks, Beth Soloe - evolved from TV show, "created to bring publicity to the California Hemp Initiative" but "[does] not promote the use of marijuana or other illicit drugs, nor condone the viewing of this controversial material by minors" - couldn't see any "controversial material" - tho there's interviews with aging well known American druggies (Leary, Willie Nelson, Wavy Gravy etc) by a guy named Caspar who's initial claim to fame was that he smoked a joint in a US government funded study I'm Dirk Laukens, webmaster of http://www.jazzguitar.be, a site devoted to... jazz guitar. I visited venus.co.uk, and I was wondering if you would like to trade links with me? ... - some useful info in the form of lessons and guitar licks - but Goodle ads mixed in with the text, and many of the pages contain mainly affiliate links hiya - just wondering if you would be interested in a link swap with my computer jokes website http://www.computer-jokes.co.uk - it's only a little collection but i update it every day with new stuff - colin - approx 50 jokes (mainly about Microsoft) - 2 links Is it posible for you to put an announcement on your home page? "A new documentary production on Aaron Shearer's extraordinary life and contribution to the classic guitar will be released in early March by Michael Lawrence Films. Images and quotes from the hour-long production can be seen at the filmmaker's web site http://www.mlfilms.com" - Michael R. Lawrence - publicity for film by established producer director & writer about "the most influential classic guitar author and teacher of the 20th Century" (tho there have been discussions on rec.music.classical.guitar as to the quality of that influence) ...I am trying to spread my ideas of the universe. I have all the Ideas on a new webpage that I am trying to make public. Its called "The Daily Mind". You will have to excuse all the prophanity though. But if you would be kind enough to put it on your links section, I would greatley appriciate it. Please excuse the poor grammer and wording in this letter, I sent it at 12:07 AM. I Have already put A link to your site on mine. The website is http://www.angelfire.com/pa5/thedailymind - Adam Marziani - "theories for the average joe" - what blogs were invented for ('cept this isn't one) - interesting spellings throughout - there are sections on Polotics, The Universe, The Self, and Language - molesworth lives! hallo - I linked your website... if u are interested 4 a link exchange, mine is http://www.otoons.com/ - Otoons - Comic site on meditation, the search for truth, and much more - free download: the Mystic Rose and the Magic of the Empty Chair... sincerely, krish - cartoons and jokes intermingled with the views of an Indian guru called Osho who became enlightened in 1953 and advised against LSD, vibrators and homosexuality as a way of obtaining deep fulfillment, but suggested instead that people follow his revolutionary technique of "dynamic meditation" - in 1981 he set up a model agricutural community in central Oregon which collapsed four years later following a state investigation into poisoning, arson, wiretapping, and attempted murder by the management committee - Osho was fined $400,000 and deported from America - he was subsequently deported from or denied entry to a further 21 countries Hi Weed, I wrote to you about 5 years ago as i thought a road was going to be built through Yarcombe in Devon... ...Well i'm in this band now, Seize The Day, and i thought you might like to link to our page - http://www.seizetheday.org - we are environmental campaigners through our music. We have MP3s and real media files that people can download for free and also a lot of political comment... cheers, rich - radical band with 3 CDs to their credit - gig list, audio downloads, detailed background info on some of the tracks, reviews of band, bios, good selection of movement links We publish a Free Classical Guitar publication on the Internet, and we were wondering if you would be interested in exchanging links. The URL of our publications is http://www.guitarramagazine.com. Thank you for help, Sincerely, Alejandro Taylor. - high quality essays, tuition articles, events, pics of guitars, MP3s etc - but issue date info absent, and it can't be viewed using most browsers (apart from MSIE) thought you might like to look at http://www.stewardwood.org and perhaps consider adding a link to your comprehensive list of links - ben - "a sustainable working woodland and conservation project in Dartmoor" - permaculture, problems with the local planning authority, resources, photo gallery, pdf newsletters etc - good links page Hi, Just visited your 'weed' web site links page. I'd like to suggest a link for your music section if you think it is appropriate: The Virtual Fretboard - chord and scale generator software for all stringed instruments. Thanks, Liam Redmond. - Rock Software page doesn't work too well with Netscape - online scale and chord generator links bring up pop-up entry for a free Virtual Fretboard Lite Registration Key monthly draw, worth $20 (one winner per month?) Hello, May you add a link to my site in your list? it is about baroque, renaissance and classical guitar music, with articles, compositions to download, music to hear, etc... Thanks a lot - Gérard Rebours - some Real Audio samples and pdf scores of Gérard's own compositions + recordings & concert itinerary - info re his research on Robert de Visée + interview on the influence of Lully + lists of early guitar music pieces - in French/English ...I just wanted you to know that I have established a link to your website in my 400 page Native Prophecy Legends Metaphysical web community, and thought that perhaps you might see your way clear to put up a reciprocal link to our website... - lots of links & banners to prophecies of native peoples worldwide - profits used to repurchase Cherokee tribal lands in Missouri dude, your site is so good, I had to put a link on mine. Here is the page I put the link on http://www.geocities.com/weed_records/ [no longer available]. I also have a web at http://www.weedrecords.net so the weediness of your site appealed to me. But when I got inside. Damn! You have some excellent stuff lying about! Would go for a cup of tea, though. plutonis - environmental info + some links amidst lots of graphics - also Weed Records site Hi(gh) Weed, Thank you for visiting our site. Just bookmarked your site for our coming linksite. Why not giving us a link? Think big! With love from County Donegal, Hans Taeger - Institute for Astroenergetic Studies - http://ireland.iol.ie/~taeger/ - Astrology and Friends of New Age Buddhism - articles on meditation, Chiron & Vesta - mandala pics - links to mailing-lists, newsletters, & newsgroups - projects include the World Encyclopedia of Astrologers & Same Sex / Life Rhythm Research - [English/German + other languages] I was wondering if you had the time to take a peek at my cartoon / illustration website... I am a professional cartoonist / illustrator... The site is mainly gag based... If you would like to take a look the address is: http://www.billgreenhead.demon.co.uk - Cheers - Bill(STIK)Greenhead - Flash based - syndicated cartoons (Rich Cow, Hollywood Nuns, World of Cow & Captain Pointy), ecards, books for sale, kids games, films |