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From: webmaster@schnews.org.uk
To: schnews-l@gn.apc.org
Subject: SchNEWS 329, Friday 2nd November, 2001 Organization: Justice ?
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 21:26:37 -0000
URL: http://www.schnews.org.uk/

UK squatting eviction forms changed

The rules for (legal) eviction of squatters have changed, but it doesn't really make much difference to what will happen - it's just that the forms are different. Get the update for your Squatter's Handbook by sending an SAE to -

Advisory Service for Squatters
2 St Paul's Road, London, N1 2QN
tel - 020-7359-8814

Squatter's Handbook available - £1.57 (in stamps, cheque or postal order)


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comments to weed@wussu.com
revised 24 November 2005
URL http://www.wussu.com/squatting/s0111012.htm