search directories - submission data required
Though most search engines only require the URL of the submitted site's
homepage, many directories require details not always available from the web pages themselves. When submitting commercial sites, the following information
may be needed -
company name
parent company name (if subsiduary or part of group)
main company address
other company addresses (if relevant)
company telephone number
company fax number
company email address
company sales/enquiries contact person
company sales/enquiries email address
general business classification (eg finance or manufacturing etc)
products/services/applications etc
relevant sales region(s) (eg UK, Europe or global etc)
company ownership (public or limited company etc)
annual revenue
number of employees
Stock Exchange status
ticker symbol
web site name
web site main URL
web site main URL title (may be the same as the name)
web site expiry date (if any)
keywords (unless listed in order of relevance in meta tag)
main service provider contact re liasing with company
main company contact re liasing with service provider
date by which submissions are to be completed
details of any previous submissions (including passwords etc)