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Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 23:47:12 GMT
From: "SchNEWS" (
Subject: SchNEWS 233, Friday 22nd October 1999
On Tuesday the Beckney Protest Camp in Hockley, Essex (see SchNEWS 224) was served with a possession order and has seven days to clear the site. An appeal is planned. Developers want to build houses by a nature reserve - spending £150,000 on relocating up to two thousand great-crested newts.
This despite a similar relocation in Peterborough ending in the deaths of 10,000 of this rare species.
Weird goings on recently include £11,000 worth of damage by militant badgers, a security guard stapling his finger to a piece of wood, one of King Arthur's Knights showing up, and the replacement of a local councillor who failed to turn up at a local meeting with a teddy bear.
People are desperately needed.
Contact C.A.S.H (Campaign Against Silly Houses) -
telephone: 0831 717815 / 01702 206353
road protests 1999
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