road protests 1999
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Date: 6 Sep 1999 14:33:18 -0000
Subject: [act-locally] Think Globally - Issue 27 (Sept 99)
campaigners demand green-parks not car-parks for city centre
Tyneside Action on Transport (TAT) symbolically planted a tree and sowed seeds in the Playhouse car-park at the University of Newcastle, Haymarket, to protest at the on-going short-sightedness of this city's major public institutions. The Playhouse car park is currently being resurfaced. Imaginative plans to turn the car-park into an arts, leisure and educational complex have already been shelved as the University wants to hang on to its precious parking spaces. TAT believes the University has missed an opportunity to bring something new and environmentally friendly to the Haymarket which is already dominated by cars.
And its not just TAT. The Northern Branch of the Royal Institute of British Architects said, "The Haymarket now bears witness to a process of erosion - a gradual eating away of pedestrian space, as the streetscape has been reshaped to accommodate the ever increasing traffic."
Contact TAT, PO Box 1TA, Newcastle, NE99 1TA
road protests 1999
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