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Date: Fri, 20 Aug 1999 16:13:10 +0100
From: donald matheson (
Subject: roads campaign

JAM 74 - Stop the M74! (Glasgow)

Joint Action against the M74 is an alliance of 15 organisations, with some individual members, campaigning against the extension of the M74 through the southern suburbs of Glasgow.

The road plan has been on the council's and business groups' agendas since the 1960s, but there has never been a study either looking at the transport needs of those who live in the area or a comparison of the benefits (if there are any) of the road beside the benefits of other transport measures. Simple measures such as bus and HGV lanes on the M8 motorway that already runs through Glasgow haven't been considered, though congestion affecting lorries on that road is a major argument for the new road.

The road would cost £177 million, or £35 for each of its 5 miles. It would be raised on 40 foot stilts for most of its way, and would lead to the destruction of churches, houses and two historic buildings. It is a ring road that goes through rather than round a city, and is an example of the worst planning thinking.

The road's been given planning consent by Glasgow City Council (it took them 8 minutes after listening to a day's worth of submissions in 1996). But no one has agreed to pay for it. The Scottish Executive is currently considering all trunk road plans for Scotland, and has made vey positive noises about the need for sustainable transport strategies--the environment and transport minister is the green Sarah Boyack. JAM74 wants to make sure that the road never makes it past this stage.

If you can help, phone Donald Matheson on 0141 556 1535 or email

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