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Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 01:21:33 +0100 (BST)
From: "SchNEWS"
Subject: SchNEWS 220, Friday 16th July 1999
Newbury Bypass doesn't work
Guess what? The Newbury by-pass doesn't work. Yes, the little bit of road that cost £125 million, destroyed countryside and converted peaceful old ladies and previously law-abiding Volvo-owners into environmental activists has only succeeded in cutting rush-hour traffic in the town by a piddling 15%. Adrian Foster-Fletcher, spokesman for Newbury Friends of the Earth, has described the scheme as "an appalling waste of money". He believes Newbury's traffic problems, barely eased by the bypass, are destined to get worse. Sandleford Park, a new college development and Vodaphone's expansion plans will all lead to an increase in traffic. Lib-Dem Council transport spokesman, David Beckett, admitted the new road has not eased rush hour congestion as much as the Highways Agency promised, hinting that the new road may encourage people to drive who didn't before. He agreed Newbury's traffic problems will soon be back to square one. Still, at least Lib Dem Newbury MP David Randel is pleased. He says the road has been "the fulfillment of our dreams".
road protests 1999
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