road protests 1999
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From: "SchNEWS" (
To: "SchNEWS Subscribers" (
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 11:02:31 +0000
Subject: SchNEWS 208, 16 April 1999
Reclaim the Streets! On Sat 1st May its time to transform the tube! Meet at Tower of London, 2pm,Saturday 1st May with your party-pants on. Bring food and drink and fun and games-The Party Line terminates at Clapham Common May Day Festival. For too long has the tube been the stomping ground of the wealthy, an unattainable luxury for those on low incomes. The government's privatisation plans put profit before passengers as always through the intended full-scale sell off of the tube.
London's tube system is already the most expensive in Europe and fares will spiral out of reach of poorer pockets as private profit is increased at our expense. Anti- strike legislation has put paid to any arguments from the underdog, consequently workers suffering attacks against their pay and conditions are only likely to make an impact through 'unofficial' action."
So on 1st May let's turn the tube into a Place to Party! Show your solidarity and revel against the fat cats. Bring food, drink, musical instruments, decorations, toys, games, masks, banners and flags.
Further information: Reclaim The Streets: 0171 281 4621
* Transport from Brighton, tickets from Peace Centre, Gardner Street
road protests 1999
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