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From: "SchNEWS" (
To: "SchNEWS Subscribers"
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 19:20:49 +0000
Subject: SchNEWS 206, 26 March 1999

BNRR legal challenge disallowed

Britain's first toll motorway came another step nearer completion this week, when the High Court refused to allow the protestors' legal challenge to go ahead. The Birmingham Northern Relief Road would be a 27 mile, 3 lane motorway bypassing Birmingham to the North, would devastate local wildlife and communities, and would do little to reduce congestion.

This is all bit ironic, considering it happened around the same time that Prescott announced more incentives to increase bus use, and boasted that 15% of his weekly journeys were by bus. Well done John , you must be really roughing it, only using your chauffeur driven cars 85% of the time!

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