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From: "SchNEWS" (
To: "SchNEWS Subscribers" (
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 07:29:19 +0000
Subject: SchNEWS 204, 12th March 1999
Crystal Palace - eviction party
The eviction at Crystal Palace entered its tenth day with people still down the tunnels trying to stop a massive leisure complex being built in the park (see SchNEWS 203). While Bromley Council moan about "professional protestors preventing those in the surrounding area who are unemployed and unskilled from the opportunities that will…" (blah, yawn) they stay stony silent about the fact that some private security guards from Pilgrim Security have been nicked during the eviciton after robbing the local off-licence and petrol station.
There's a massive party planned this Saturday (13th).
Meet 12 noon at the Palace Parade.
Contact the Campaign 0181 693 8200
road protests 1999
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