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From: "bannerheather" (
Subject: Faslane
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 23:09:58 -0000

Mailinglist For Mother Earth International network

Trident Ploughshares 2000


15th February 1999 (at 10.30 a.m.)

Canavan, Sheridan and Wolfe in attendance as 41 arrested in Faslane blockade

Prominent politicians and a leading churchman came to the Faslane Naval Base this morning (Monday) to support the blockade of the base by Trident Ploughshares 2000 activists which has led to date to 41 arrests and considerable disruption to the operations there since 7 a.m.

Ex-Chair of the SNP Billy Wolfe was arrested for breach of the peace while Labour MP Dennis Canavan and Tommy Sheridan of the Scottish Socialist Alliance gave their support at the North Gate..

Among others arrested are 84 year-old Bobby Harrison of Dumbarton; Susan van der Hijden (29) a Catholic Worker and Marjan Willemsen (21) student, both from the Netherlands; Ulla Roder (44) a shop assistant from Denmark; young wheelchair users Roz Bullen and Morag Balfour.

For the peace movement the good news is that both Tony Blair (as impersonated by Maire-Colette (56) and Bill Clinton (Alan Wilkie, Maire-Colette's husband) were also arrested after an vain attempt by Rev. Norman Shanks, Church of Scotland Minister and leader of the Iona Community to get them to repent of their misguided compulsion to retain weapons of mass destruction.

Contact: David McKenzie on 01436 679194 or 07775 711 054
or Jane Tallents / Jim Chestnut on 01436 679194


Notes For Editors

Members of Trident Ploughshares 2000 have pledged to rid the UK of its illegal weapons of mass destruction by the year 2000, by means of open, accountable and non-violent direct disarmament.


Trident Ploughshares 2000
42-46 Bethel Street
Norfolk NR2 1NR

tel + 44 (0) 1603 611953
fax + 44 (0) 1603 666879

Nuclear weapons are immoral, dangerous, polluting, a terrible waste of resources and were found to be generally illegal by the International Court of Justice on 8th July 1996.

From Faslane

America and Britain both can be taken to the International court, but any time a small country tries to raise an International court action against them they bribe, threaten financial destrction, or other wise bully their way out of it. We need to convince as many countries as possible to SIMULTANEOUSLY raise actions against the UK and the USA. otherwise we're getting nowhere. I just spent 12 hours in a Scots jail cell for the Faslane TP2000 action. Anyone on you're newsgroup want to talk about legal stuff? I'd love to hear from you.
Banner Heather (Faslane Peacecamp)

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