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From: "bannerheather"
Subject: Faslane TP2000 action
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 02:20:32 -0000

Mailinglist For Mother Earth International network

Trident Ploughshares 2000


10th February 1999

Dennis Canavan and Norman Shanks Join Blockade of Faslane

On Monday 15th TP 2000 activists will blockade Faslane Naval Base in order to disrupt and disable the operations there. This will be the climax of a weekend of action against Britain's nuclear weapons systems which will include lively street demonstrations in Glasgow and other Scottish towns on Saturday.

The campaigners, greatly cheered by the successful damaging of Trident sub HMS Vengeance at Barrow on Monday morning, are gathering from all over Britain and as far apart as the Netherlands and Denmark for the weekend events. Taking an active part will be Dennis Canavan MP and the Rev. Norman Shanks, Church of Scotland minister and leader of the Iona Community. The siege of the North and South gates of the base will start at 7 a.m. on Monday and as well as being a strongly visual event is expected to cause serious disruption to the base.

Dennis Canavan said: "I support the Ploughshares campaign because the Trident weapon system is a threat to world peace. Even its threatened use is a crime against humanity. The money would be better spent on essential services, such as housing, health and education."

On Saturday 13th at 10.30 the Argyle Street pedestrian precinct in Glasgow disarmers will present a wide range of lively activities around the theme of "Love the Planet - Scrap Trident". There will be street theatre, street art, turning war-toys into musical instruments, signing Valentines cards for the Ministry of Defence and the bases, etc. (Piece in here about the Recruiting Office and the Horties- details awaited). The women's drumming group SHEBOOM will join the celebrations at 1.30 pm

Photo opportunities:

1.Blockade of Faslane base (North and South gates)
From 7.a.m (to stop entry of day shift workers) on Monday 15th

2. Street activities in Argyle Street precinct, Glasgow
10.30 a.m. Saturday 13th/Drummer at 1.30 p.m.

Contact: David McKenzie on 01324 880744 or 07775 711 054
or Jane Tallents/Jim Chestnut on 01436 679194


Trident Ploughshares 2000
42-46 Bethel Street
Norfolk NR2 1NR

tel + 44 (0) 1603 611953
fax + 44 (0) 1603 666879


Nuclear weapons are immoral, dangerous, polluting, a terrible waste of resources and were found to be generally illegal by the International Court of Justice on 8th July 1996.

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