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From: "bannerheather" (
Subject: Faslane newsletter
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 00:12:03 -0000

FASLANE PEACE CAMP UPDATE (please circulate) January 1999



There are some suspicions and rumours that the MOD are putting pressure on the Argyll and Bute Council to evict us shortly. MOD property directly behind the Peace Camp would then fetch a much higher price than they would get at present. We are taking this threat seriously and will be watching the council closely to see that no dirty deeds are done! The next three months are crucial and it is vital that people keep in touch, visit, agitate and totally be there for us.


Susan Mair, Legal Adviser to A&B Council has stated that there are no plans to evict us at present. Councillor Dick Walsh has asked for a written list of the Peace Camp's land proposals to be sent to him(council?) prior to arranging a date for the next meeting? We hope to be able to respond to his request within 3-4 weeks and look forward to our meeting ASAP after that



Vengeance, the fourth Trident nuclear submarine launched at Barrow on 19th Sept 1998 will arrive on the Clyde on 1st 2nd March 1999. We urge EVERYONE to come to Faslane and protest and make actions and tell George Robertson NO TRIDENT HERE !

Vengeance is a CRIMINAL and ILLEGAL weapon of mass destruction. It is an affront to the People of Scotland - 80% of Scots say "NO" to Trident. All British nuclear weapons are kept in Scotland. More reasons why Scots say "NO"

Vanguard keeps nose diving to the seabed

Victorious has a leaking reactor !!! Both submarines are more dangerous than ever. Join us on March 1st. Say "NO" to Trident. "NO" to George Robertson, and a BIG "NO" to Tony Blair.


F.P.C. now know that the Navy cannot afford any more cash spent from this years security budget. The MOD police haven't got the manpower nor the funds to cope. The guard service and the plod are soon to be replaced by a new security force called the Military Provost Guard Service. A gun toting force of a military nature who will have no powers of arrest. They will be formed from ex or serving military personnel and we can be assured that that will pose big problems for them on the legal side.


Actions are still continuing against the base and the convoys that carry Death. When the first air strikes hit Iraq 5 Peace Campers were arrested for breaking in to the Base, This was our response to the bombing. Actions are set to continue until the Trident programme is stopped.

TP2000 - 1999 Timetable

F.P.C. support the TP2000 actions at Faslane and Coulport. In the past we have helped in many ways, mostly by being arrested ourselves! We don't mind.

12-15 Feb - Glasgow weekend with Faslane blockade

24 March - 4 April - Week of actions at Trident related sites throughout the UK

14-16 May - Weekend camp at Coulport, then join walk to the Hague (10-16 May)

12 - 14 June - Meeting of Affinity Group Reps

9 - 16 August Week long camp at Coulport

12 - 15 Nov Weekend camp at Coulport


Faslane Peace Camp is in a critical year of it's history and development. And as usual we have very little money and a lot of work to do. We are making this appeal for funds to help us through 1999 because we need a minimum level of financial security to operate effectively. We face:

- the ever present Trident submarines at the Faslane and Coulport Bases
- the arrival of Vengeance, the fourth Trident submarine on March 1-2
- negotiations with Argyll and Bute Council
- the possible threat of eviction
- purchase and/or development of land for a sustainable community for peace
- the upgrading of our present site
- Working with TP2000, blockades, street protests, actions, etc
- promoting the abolition of Trident during the Scottish elections
...amongst the many other incidents in our daily lives

Any assistance would be appreciated. Donations can be sent to the Peace Camp or deposited in our account: Clydesdale Bank, Helensburgh, Sort Code 82-65-08 Account No 658753

Thankyou for your help

Peace and love...F.P.C.

FASLANE LAND CO-OP (and 30 pieces of silver)

Faslane Land Co-Op began life as a dream and a joke to raise 4 million pounds in order that the Peace Campers could become more pro-active.

So what follows is the lay version, the unpolished draft of what will eventually become the constitution. We are of course, looking for donations and if you can help in any way ( spreading the word through the Internet, mailing, word of mouth etc) then please do so

Please send cheques payable to Faslane Peace Camp Land Trust or directly to the Clydesdale Bank, Helensburgh, Scotland, Sort Code 82-65-08 Account No 10241-706


The purpose of which is to raise funds for the purchase and/or development of land for use as a Peace Camp.

Faslane Land Co-op:

Aims to encourage a way of life that is peaceful, co-operative, and ecologically sustainable.
- F.L.C. monitor, publicize, and opposes the presence of Trident submarines and other nuclear weapons in Scotland - We will promote non-violent direct action against all nuclear weapons - We will extend and develop links with the wider Peace movement and movements towards social change.
- F.L.C. seeks to promote co-operative communities by being an example of non hierarchical collective living.
- We will use peaceful conflict resolution methods and the peer education process to resolve conflict at its source.
- We aim to educate and inspire the Scottish public through the development of outreach programmes with local community and related affinity groups.
- We aim to encourage social and emotional development of individuals and hence communities.
- F.L.C. encourages resistance to militarism and aims to encourage a world where disputes and conflict are resolved peacefully.

The underlying common link of all these aims is inherent respect and love for the planet Earth and for all things that live here. To this end our purpose is to be environmentally sustainable and socially evolving.

F.L.C. shall develop any land in a sustainable, organic, environmentally friendly way, using modern permaculture methods and traditional rewardable resources.

Document of Guidance

1. Galgael Constitution
2. GreenwaysTrust Constitution.
3. Tamariki Aims and Principles/Code of Conduct.
4. Agenda 21.
5. Charter 88
6. Trident Ploughshares Handbook


It begins with phone calls, (CND and Nukewatch are on the case,) Next is who, followed by where, with how floating about in the ether- doesn't matter how - we're just gonna J.

Carrying nuclear weapons for almost the length of our island in a truck that can be stopped by a wee slip of a lass (woman, sorry,) on a steep road is totally unacceptable. Digressions aside, the six that made up the Who plan to stop the convoy at the now disused Glen Fruin Army Training Camp, roughly 4 miles from the Peace Camp. How became lock on clips and concrete lock-on tubes

We stood about in the trees and the rain for about 2 and a half hours until the first outriders were spotted . They all sped past well ahead of the carriers to Whistlefield roundabout, a mile or so down the road where our supporters were massing, sheep skull and all!

> A quick scramble over a fence and we were on the road, no police in sight and the first truck coming to a halt in front of us. Ignoring the first, we all dived under the second and had plenty of time to get comfy and lock on before the police got back to us.

Forty five minutes later the last protester unclipped because a cop trying to cut her out was hurting himself trying to cut her out. (N.V.D.A - Groovy!) They didn't really deal with the arm tube very well - they made it quite a painful lesson - clip on to something other than each other!

Once arrested we were taken to Coulport as part of the convoy, just in case they needed the van for more protesters en route. There were none, so we were taken to Dumbarton, processed and treated to warm beds and cups of tea. The women were taken to Clydebank and by all accounts were treated the same. They were released the next afternoon. We, the men, (ook), were taken to Dumbarton Court holding cells for an hour or so then released with P.F. letters (basically a slap on the wrists) it seems that they didn't want Peace Campers getting good publicity!

At the time it was my second arrest. Empowerment is a wonderful feeling

Sitting on a wet road, under a truck loaded with nuclear weapons, with your arm in a tube, your friend on the other end being pulled by the police, shouting to be heard over the idling engine, "Stop breaking my arm!" ... clarity of thought - knowing your right; come let us show humanity as it really is. At the moment ... Si


Polyprop, climbing gear, tools, C.B. Radios, Babycoms, building equipment, timber, scaffolding, cement, chainsaw, VAN, MONEY, Lino, waterproofs, boots and wellies, parachute, paint, pool table, trampoline,. Most of all WE NEED YOU !


Train Glasgow Queen Street to Helensburgh Central (3.10 single) then bus from town square to Peace Camp. - Just ask the driver. It's easy

or write to -

Faslane Peace Camp
Argyll & Bute

Tel 01436 820901

The Weather - being Winter, Bring warm clothes and waterproofs.


Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.


For more info please visit my web pages at
or mail me at

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