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From: "SchNEWS" (
To: "SchNEWS Subscribers" (
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 22:26:06 +0000
Subject: SchNEWS 197, Friday 15 January


Last Sunday, on the 3rd Anniversary since work began on the Newbury bypass 250 protestors pedestrianised the road by playing cat and mouse bulldog with the police (who weren't very good at it)and their riot vans. On what was an emotional day protestors returned to the trees to hang banners. Even Delboy's wife parked up her Robin Reliant and joined the campaign. However, she was later denied entrance to a nearby pub for being a protester (fact!). Four people were nicked but three were released without charge.

One man however was charged with hurling rocks up at the helicopter, SchNEWS doesn't know if his name was Hercules. Infill developments look set to line the bypass. Vodaphone have even threatened to leave Newbury if they can't get their own way and build a massive new HQ on greenfield (see SchNEWS 192).

Newbury's Liberal MP Rendell commented "They seem determined to prevent people enjoying the huge environmental benefits the by-pass has brought." SchNEWS has been unable to find out if Mr Rendell means protesters or the police. The road was closed till the early hours of Sunday night.

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