road protests 1998
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From: "angelo" (
Subject: News Flash
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 1998 19:36:05 -0000
11 dec 98 - 12:46
Birmingham Northern Relief Road (BNRR) Eviction update
The eviction continues at the Moneymore cottages, 23 people have been arrested
3 people were arrested last night
2 people remain locked on on the roofs of the cottages and show no sign of coming down
Communications were restored after yesterdays incident when the on site office was raided by the police who confiscated all the phones thus severing communications from the office with the outside world. The police returned one phone after retrieving all the information on it. The other phone is due to be returned today after they have cracked the security code and retrieved all the information from the phone.
A security guard who defected and locked on down a tunnel for 3 days has unlocked and come up.
One girl who is locked on had a mild asthma attack and has been supplied with
an oxygen mask, she is refusing to unlock
Evicting tunnelling bailiffs have not yet got below ground level
People in the tunnel systems are all fine and in good sprits with enough food
and water to last many weeks
For more information contact:
site mobile: 07970 301978
The alliance against the BNRR: 0121 6326909 or 01226 764279
11 dec 98 - 17:45
Birmingham Northern Relief Road (BNRR) Eviction - further update
Ex-security guard, dean smith, today at 10.00am, voluntarily left the shovel and bucket hotel tunnel at the Moneymore squats presently being evicted.
2 people remain on the roofs, and about half a dozen are still below ground.
Police surrounded the communal "dog house" at the greenwood site this afternoon (approx 4.00pm) on the pretext of looking for people in breach of their bail condition.
Police continue to harass and threaten to arrest any body observing the eviction at the cottages. yesterday, a protester, stood on the grass verge talking to two police officers was approached by a third officer who said that the protester would be "arrested for obstructing the highway" if they did not move on. DNA samples are being taken from all those arrested, and some of those detained are being asked in depth questions regarding their families and background.
Stafford-shire police, whilst professing to being impartial are showing themselves to be the opposite. security guards and protesters both agree that
the only cause for friction during the eviction so far has been the police's attitude to protesters who wish for nothing more than to quietly observe the eviction procedures thus ensuring that they are safely conducted.
The Eviction process at Moneymore Cottages on the route of the BNRR is now focused on gaining repossession of the property. The tree houses have been taken and work is now concentrated on the roof and tunnels under the buildings. 24 arrests so far.
The BNRR applicants have launched an appeal against the High Court case which
attempted to quash the compulsory purchase orders on the above scheme. This could be potentially very costly and as such they are asking for people to pledge money to cover them if the case is lost. If they are successful the road will be deemed illegal.
The two legal judgements are on the Bham FOE web site:
The Alliance against the BNRR won the first stage in an import legal battle over the secrecy of a concession agreement drawn up between Midland Expressway Limited (MEL) and the Government.
Both sides have appealed with MEL saying
"There is an important principle at stake. We signed an agreement six and a half years ago with the Government. We and they agreed then that it was confidential and both sides have always treated it as such. We are appealing
because we think the regulations have been incorrectly interpreted. The outcome of this case will be of concern to all commercial organisations involved in public private partnership projects. The private sector must be able to rely on Government commitments on confidentiality. The judgement is not about whether or not the BNRR will be built. It is solely about whether the concession agreement should be published as an environmental information.
Visit the web site check out the government press release on open government and public private partnerships and write a letter to your MP
For more information contact:
site mobile: 07970 301978
The alliance against the BNRR: 0121 6326909 or 01226 764279
Chris Crean
Friends of the Earth Midlands
54 Allison Street, Digbeth, Birmingham B5 5TH
tel: + 44 (0)121 643 9117
fax: + 44 (0)121 643 3122
road protests 1998
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