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Date: Wed, 02 Dec 1998 10:55:31 +0000
From: Cornerstone Resource Centre (
Subject: EF! Action Update no.54


The campaign against the Bingley 'Relief' Road near Bradford has faced several major setbacks recently. In the summer shake-up of the roads program, it was announced that the road was still to be built, but not for up to 3 years. The few people remaining on the 2-year old protest camp felt that their energies were better spent elsewhere, and decided to pack up the camp, rather than continue waiting for an eviction several years down the line. The process of tatting down began, but various people who had been involved with the camp over its two year history stepped in, anxious not to see the campaign end. Sadly there simply weren’t enough people to keep the camp open all the time. Then on the 4th of November, the local council seized the opportunity of a temporarily unoccupied camp to fell many of the trees on the site. All the trees with treehouses in were brought down, although many others remain on route. Of course, trees can grow back eventually, the road hasn’t been built yet...

Contact Bingley Anti Road Campaign c/o Leeds EF! for want of a better contact.

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