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From: "Pete!!!" (
Subject: Irlam, Jerry Works
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 16:13:32 +0100
Jerry Works - the fight goes on!
We lost the battle on 1st October '98, but we have not yet lost the war. The fight goes on! Alan and Ann Cavanagh have taken over the fight to save the footpaths.
Meantime, I have contacted Philip Rothwell, Development Planning Manager, Peel Holdings. To be fair, he returned my phone call and was extremely courteous, which is more than can be said for John Prescott, who has not even acknowledged the three letters I sent him, or for my MP Ian Stewart (Labour) who did not even reply to my letter. "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".
I told Philip Rothwell that I was going to try to raise the money from benefactors, and he said that the land is valued at between 5 - 7.5 million pounds.
What I'm looking for is rich people with principles and I've started writing begging letters. Any ideas, anybody? I need about seven people to give about a million each, or 14 to give about half a million each. Is there anybody out there? Anybody prepared to help a really worthwhile cause?
Land is so important - they're not making anymore!
£750M for the Millennium Dome! All we need is about £7M. The land would still be there long after the Dome has been pulled down and scrapped.
We hope for a miracle.
In case we don't get the money, we are going to complain to the Local Government Ombudsman, after we've studied the pamphlet and filled in the form.
Joyce Delaney (Ex-Labour voter)
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