road protests 1998
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Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 17:11:57 +0100
From: Cornerstone Resource Centre
Rose Browning (ME3630) DI 66 E-Wing, HMP Eastwood Park, Falfield, Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire GL12 8DB (6 months);
Richard Dixon (BK7218) HMP Horfield, Cambridge Road, Bristol BS7 8PF (12 months)
both for 'conspiring' to cut the railway line at Whatley Quarry & as a deterrent to others because eco-protest was becoming "so popular".
[from SchNEWS 182 - Richard Dixon has been transferred to an open prison. His address is now BF 20 HMP, Layhill Open Prison, Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire, GL12 8BT]
Jens Light, HMP Greenock, Greenock PA16 9AH;
Angie Zelter, Helen John, Hanna Jarvinen,Katri Silvonen , Krista van Velzen, HMP Cornton Vale, Cornton Road, Stirling FK9 5NY (remanded till 22/29 September)
for Trident Ploughshares 2000
Ben Thompson (BV5705), c/o the Governor, HMP Bullingdon, PO Box 50, Bicester OX6 0PR (3 months)
for Hillgrove & on hunger strike till he gets vegan GM-free diet.
[from SchNEWS 182 - Ben Thompson, arrested during a demonstration at the Hillgrove cat vivisection farm, has finished his hunger strike after meeting with the prison guv'ner, who has promised to look into a prison diet that is vegan and guaranteed free of gentically modified food. The next national demonstration at Hillgrove Farm is on Sunday September 6th at noon on Leys Recreation Ground, Station Lane, Witney. A coach will be leaving from Hove Lagoon 9 am (£8.50 return) Ring 01403 785947]
Animal rights prisoners list from ALF SG international
others from Spirit of Freedom/Earth Liberation Prisoners
road protests 1998
| road protests (current)
| movement links