road protests 1998
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Date: Sun, 06 Sep 1998 17:11:57 +0100
From: Cornerstone Resource Centre
RTS film
Reclaim the Streets! The Film tells the story with words, images, music and lots of action. 80 minutes long, £6 unwaged, £8 waged, £10 well waged.
Cheques payable to: Agustin Gutierrez, 72 Castlewood Rd, London N16 6DH, and write if you want a film showing in your area.
Heathrow hastle
Travellers beware - no, it's not your drugs, but your propaganda. Someone was refused holiday-visa entry at Heathrow when a search revealed anti-roads protesting literature...and a similar incident occurred at Australian customs. Send your 'smash-the-state' leaflets ahead.
OKasional squat cafe II
The OKasional squat cafe II opened recently by a canal in Manchester's red light district; a possession order was granted after about 3 weeks, though the judge termed the occupation "honourable and ecologically sensitive". It's reopened at an old pub at 111, Newton Street. Eviction unlikely.
Contact via MEF!
road protests 1998
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