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Date: Sat, 05 Sep 1998 21:19:50 +0100
From: "angelo" (
Subject: BNRR News!
BNRR Action Update - 4 Sept 98
Please circulate this news to everyone!
This is the first of many news updates concerning the protest against the building of the Birmingham Northern Relief Road (BNRR). The BNRR is scheduled to be Britain's first toll motorway, cutting through 27 miles of countryside to link the M42 and M6 motorways north of Birmingham.
One of the several protest sites is being protected by a group known as MASH (Midlands Against Super Highways). They have moved into several derelict cottages scheduled for demolition. These cottages have been heavily protected with a labyrinthine tunnel network, amongst other things.
Last week MASH invited a journalist from the Birmingham Post to visit the site. His subsequent article in the newspaper attracted a lot of TV media attention, with Central Television, the BBC and Sky turning up the next day.
The most recent development involves a summons issued to the MASH group to attend the Royal Courts of Justice on the 10th September. A copy of this summons has been posted on the web
After the 10th an eviction at the BNRR site will be immanent and could take place very soon. As we write, there are only a handful of people to defend the sites.
MASH are calling out to the world to help them out in their campaign. Any sort of assistance, donation, publicity, support, sponsorship, just simply turning up or phoning will be appreciated.
Call MASH directly on 07970 301978 or 07971 354045.
Any e-mails can be sent to
road protests 1998
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