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Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 16:46:37 +0100
From: Cornerstone Resource Centre (
Subject: Bingley Anti Road Campaign
Support Needed at Bingley
As you may have heard the long awaited decision on the Bingley Relief road has been made. Unfortunately the decision went against us and the road looks set to be built.
The camp is in dire need of support from wider activist circles (and from everyone else). A meeting is being held on the 8th of August at the camp to discuss the future of the camp and the campaign. If you can't turn up for the whole day then phone the camp on 0961 367 421 or e-mail us back and hopefully we'll know the exact time of the meeting by then.
For more info on the campaign their website is at!/
Cornerstone Resource Centre -
road protests 1998
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