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Date: Fri, 03 Jul 1998 16:06:00 +0100
From: Cornerstone Resource Centre (

Forwarded by Earth First! North East mailing list
E-mail EF!NE

St Annaberg protest camp (Poland)


Better late than never: Poland EF! definitely does exist, and has campaigned hard over the last few months. Tree houses have been built in the path of the A4 motorway and the construction site blockaded in the St. Annaberg landscape park (five nature reserves, home to 600 species of butterflies and numerous rare plants). It is financed by the European Investment Bank and PHARE, along with the government, and is part of the Trans European Network (TEN) transport infrastructure scheme.

When logging unexpectedly began two kilometres from the protest site, a group of protesters climbed trees in front of lumberjacks, while others locked themselves to the heavy equipment. At the same time, the proper protest camp was stormed by lumberjacks. They cut some trees and bushes, and threatened people with chainsaws. However, negotiators persuaded the few police present of the danger to the tree-house dwellers, and the lumberjacks left. Then excavators turned up, and digger-diving and dangerous driving ensued. Since this is the first protest of this kind in Poland, the authorities don’t know what to do, and there’s been a stalemate ever since.

They’ve also been actively campaigning on the Bialowieza Forest, and against the Winter Olympics 2006 taking place in the Tatra Mountains. Further info available. Support is needed and they’d like to see sit-ins or pickets in front of Polish Embassies.

Financial help is needed for food and equipment, bank account details: PEKAO SA I/O Krakow, 12401431-7021464-2700-401112-001 __”Sw. Anna”__, SWIFT: P.K.O.P.P.L.P.W.K.R.A

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