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From: "SchNEWS"
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 11:46:19 +0000
Subject: SchNEWS 172/173, 24 June 1998
A new camp has just been set up at Manchester Airport in order to prevent Arthurswood being felled. The wood is mainly beech trees all of which apparently obstruct the satellite and radar reception on Runway 2! The land is owned by the National Trust who it is rumoured received a large donation and an entire farm for their co-operation. An injunction is being sought in an emergency session of the High Court to prevent the trees being felled.
Directions to the camp go to the A538, turn left on to the Altrincham road, follow that for less than 100 yards and turn right off it onto the small road towards the the Moathouse Hotel. Almost immediately there is a bridlepath on your right hand side follow this from there its obvious.
Contact 07775 602954
road protests 1998
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