road protests 1998
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Date: Thu, 14 May 1998 14:41:33 +0100
From: Cornerstone Resource Centre
Arun Valley EF! c/o 1 York Rd, Littlehampton, W. Sussex 01903 721615
Bath EF! PO Box 426, Bath BA1 2ZD
Blackburn EF! 12 Balmoral Road, Darwen, Lancashire BB3 2EW 01254 777079
Bristol EF! c/o Box 51, Greenleaf Bookshop, 82 Colston St,Bristol BS1 5BB 0117 939 3093
Cambourne EF! c/o Hartis Farm, Copper Hill, Troon, Cambourne Cornwall
Cambridge EF! Box E , 12 Mill Road, Cambridge
Cardiff EF! c/o Green Group, Glamorgan Uni SU, Pontypridd, Mid-Glamorgan CF37 1DL
Cardigan Bay EF! Temperance House, Taliesin, Powys, Mid Wales
Chichester EF! c/o West Sussex Wildlife Protection, PO Box 3058, Littlehampton W. Sussex BN16 3LG
Exeter Env'al Network PO Box 185 Exeter EX4 4EW
Fife EF! c/o 91 South Street, St. Andrews, Fife KY16 9Q 01334 477411
Glasgow EF! PO Box 180, Glasgow G4 9AB
Guildford EF! PO Box 217, Guildford GU1 1WSFax: 01483 203212
Gwendraeth Valley EF! Y Gymru Annibynnol 24 Yr erw, Burry Port, Carms SA16 0DA
Gwynned & Mon EF! The Greenhouse 1 Trevelyan Terrace Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 1AX 01286 355821
Hereford EF! 58 Aylestone Hill, Hereford HR11HX 01432 358618
Hillfort EF! 21 Tower Hill, Dilton Marsh, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 4DA 01249 650078
Hull On Earth c/o PO Box 33, Hull HU1 1AA LEAF Box Z, 13, Biddulph St,
Leicester LE2 1BH 0116 255 3223
Leeds EF! 16 Sholebroke Avenue, Chapeltown, Leeds LS7 3HB 0113 262 9365
Liverpool EF! 96 Bold Street, Liverpool L1
Lune EF! c/o Bookcellar, 9 Meeting House Lane, Lancaster LA1 1TJ 01524 849313
Manchester EF! Dept 29, 1 Newton Street, Manchester M1 1HW 0161 224 4846
Mid-Somerset EF! PO Box 23, 5 High St, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 9PU
Norfolk EF! The Greenhouse,42-46 Bethel Street, Norwich NR2 1NR
Nottingham EF! c/o The Rainbow Centre, 182 Mansfield Road, Nottingham NG1 3HW 0115 958 5666
Oldham EF! Dept 110, 1 Newton Street,
Manchester M1 1HW 0161 628 5128
Oxford EF! Box E , 111 Magdalen Rd, Oxford OX4 1RQ
REACT 6 Edinburgh Crescent, Leamington Spa CV3 13LL
Reclaim the Streets PO Box 9656, London N4 4JY 0171 281 4621 /campaigns/rts.html
Reclaim the Valleys c/o Swansea Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea SA1 1RY
Reading Roadbusters Reading International Solidarity Centre, 35-39 London Street, Reading, Berkshire 0118 986 6362
Sheffield EF! c/o SheFIN, 201 Crookes Valley Road, Sheffield S10 1BA 0114 267 1200
Southampton EF! SUSU University Road Southampton
South Devon EF! Birdwood House, 44 High Street, Totnes, Devon 01626 363844
South Downs EF! PO Box 2971, Brighton BN2 2GY
Swansea People EF! c/o Green Action, Swansea Uni SU, Swansea, Wales
The Flat Oak Society c/o 3 St Alphege Lane, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2EB 01227 463368
Upper Nene EF! Box E, 24 St. Michaels Avenue, Northampton NN1
Warwick EF! c/o Green Society, Warwick Uni SU, Coventry CV4 7AL
Wolves Eco Action c/o Wolves Hunt Sabs, Wolves Uni SU, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton
York EF! c/o York LEAF PO Box 323, York 01904 410185
Aldermaston Women's Peace Camp (every 2nd weekend)33 Heron Road, Bristol BS5 0LT 0117 939 3746/0170 355 4434/0122 239 6563
Alvis Factory (Scorpion tanks to Indonesia) Northview, Walsgrave, Coventry 01926 338805/0336 774113
Ashton Court (quarry extension into public park), Bristol 0117 939 3093/0467 430211
Brewery Fields Campaign The Greenhouse, High Street, Bangor (greenbelt housing)
0836 563980
BARC (Bingley Anti-Road Campaign) Rye Loaf Camp, Bingley BD16 2HZ 01274 504626/0961 367421
Birmingham Northern Relief Road Campaign Greenwood Protest Site, London Road, Canwell, nr Sutton Coldfield, W.Midlands 0797 0301978
Cobh anti-pylon camp, Eire +353 (087) 451065
Crystal Palace (development), Big Willow Ecovillage, Palace Parade, London SE19
0181 761 7826
Deadwoman's Bottom Protest Camp Nr Green Farm,Chantry, Frome BA 11 01749 880144
Derby (innercity development) Treetop Dwellings Bass Recreation Ground Derby 0797 0318397/01332 727237
Faslane Peace Camp Shandon, Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire, Scotland G84 8HT 01436 820901
Menwith Womens' Peace Camp (spybase)A59 Lay-By, Nr Harrogate, N.Yorks HG32RA
01943 468593
Oxford (squat in path of proposed 6-lane road) 0797 0343486
Radstock Railway (development), near Bath 01761 432 273
Save Lyminge Forest Greensword, The Spout House, Lyminge, Kent CT21 4LQ 01303 265737/0468 945595
Sellafield Women's Peace Camp (bimonthly)Peace House, 5 New Road, Littleborough,
Lancashire OL15
0141 2265066/0113 2621534
ASEED Europe PO Box 92066, 1090 AB Amsterdam, Netherlands +31-20 6682236
Action For Social Ecology Box 34089,10026 Stockholm, Sweden
Australian EF! AU PO Box 12046, Elizabeth St, Brisbane 4002, Australia
Coast Mountains EF! 1472 Commercial Drive, Box 128, Vancouver V5L 3X9, Canada +1-604-708 9660
Czech Republic EF! Zeme predevsim!
PO Box 237, 16041 Prague 6, Czech Republic
Earth First! Journal POB 1415, Eugene OR 97440, USA +1-541-344 8004
Eco-Action EF! France 95, rue de la Marine 62224 Equihen-plage, France
Ecodefence! Moskovsky prospekt 120-34236006 Kaliningrad/Koenigsburg Russia
Finland EF! Viivinkatu 17 AS 17, 33610 Tampere 61, Finland
FIN Umweltprojektwerkstatt, Yorckstrasse 59 HH,10965 Berlin, Germany +49-30 78913144
Groene Front!Postbus 85069, 3508 AB Utrecht, The Netherlands
An Talamh Glas & Pobal an Dulra (Irish AU) Unit 66, Liffey Trust Building, 117 Upper Sherriff Street, Dublin 1, Eire +353-1-855 0965
Rainbow Keepers (Ukraine)PO Box 322, Kiev 252187, Ukraine
Volunteers For Earth Defence 189 San Antonio Ext SFDM, 1105 Quezon City, Philippines
Earth First! Action Update
Dept 29
1 Newton Street
M1 1HW
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road protests 1998
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