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Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 15:48:15 +0100
From: Cornerstone Resource Centre
Subject: EF!NE - Reclaim the Streets in Leeds
From: "Gumbyfish" (men6dj@ECU-01.NOVELL.LEEDS.AC.UK)
The sun shone, the people were there, all colourful and cheery and it was
all set up to be a triffic, trafficless party last Saturday on Albion
Street in Leeds.
Unfortunately the Police had other ideas.
Having split up to confuse West Yorkshires finest, two crowds of people
came together on Albion Street to be confronted with 20 - 30 police
brandishing truncheons, batons and, more worryingly, cs gas spray.
After the police confiscated tripods, the protesters attempted to set up a
bouncy castle only to be beaten back by more officers with telescopic batons.
Several protesters had gas sprayed in their faces and the police later
denied even having the spray, even though one of their own officers had to
be taken to hospital when he was sprayed by mistake! The confrontation was
settled when the 500 protesters sat in the road in a demonstration of a
non-violent protest and the police allowed the organisers to set up a
sound system and the bouncy castle.
The party continued throughout Saturday afternoon and once the police had
left, without further incident. Banners were strung up and shoppers were
informed about the nature of the protest whilst protesters danced showed
others just how much fun a traffic free street could be. One banner seemed
to sum up the atmosphere perfectly. It simply said, "Reclaimed."
Leeds EF! adds respect to the bloke who we recon gets "Crap arrest of the
Week" for walking on the pavement up to Hyde Park. He was arrested, when he
complained about the police riot van driving along the pavement, trying to
run him over!
Anyone who witnessed any arrested please come to the debriefing meeting
at 8pm this Wednesday at Leeds Uni Student Union or ring / e-mail
Tel: 0113 262 9365
Cornerstone Resource Centre
road protests 1998
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