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Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 17:46:30 +0100
From: Cornerstone Resource Centre
Subject: EF!NE - York RTS & Billderburg meeting
From Earth First! North East:-
Bilderberg - Scotland May 14th
Sources inform me that the Bilderberg meeting will be held in the
Turnberry resort, Scotland from May 14-16 (this week folks!).
The Bilderberg group is an organisation with a steering group of
rich and powerful people from Europe and America. Every year they
meet in secret to discuss world events.
Very little is reported in the media about the meeting: those
Bilderbergers who own the media see to this.
for more info.
This year the meeting is being held at more or less the same time
as the G8 summit in Birmingham (May 15-17). Immediately afterwards,
from May 18-20 in Geneva, the World Trade Organisation will be hosting
its 50th anniversary celebrations. No doubt many Bilderbergers and
G8 delegates will be converging on Geneva for this event.
Surely the timing of these three events is no coincidence,
and confirm the "Hot Spring" theory of a concerted push towards
globalisation through a series of co-ordinated meetings in Spring 1998.
Forwarded from: Stuart Field
Cornerstone Resource Centre
road protests 1998
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