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From: "SchNEWS"
To: "SchNEWS Subscribers"
Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 18:31:57 +0000
Subject: SchNEWS 165, 1 May 1998 (Part 1 of 2)

CAMPING '98 - Road Camps round-up

Lyminge Forest

Campaigning for the last year against Rank who want to build a Centre Parks style holiday village in the middle of the forest, so happy holiday makers can have a nice sheltered holiday in the (ex-)countryside! A well established camp.
More info, call Merlin on:  0468 945595

Birmingham Northern Relief Road

27 miles of private toll motorway to campaign against. Excellent local support. The local vicar is going for the Guinness Book of Records for the longest sermon. According to an old law, a vicar cannot be interrupted whilst preaching, and so during the eviction he will be reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation as his basic text - the pulpit is presently being constructed up one of the trees!
Site info:  07970 932224  for directions/details, or a copy of the campaign newsletter


Contact:  01636 679979  or  0467 317649  for details as to what's happening


Anti-Road protest through inner-city green space. Benefit Gigs - 9th May, Victoria Inn, 7.00pm, Life on Venus/Spiral Towers (site band) plus others. Lots going on at site, excellent local support.
Contact:  07970-318397  for details/directions/happenings

Crystal Palace

On the highest hill in London, this site is gaining fantastic local support. Southwark Council, together with three neighbouring councils, have joined in opposing this inner-city destruction. Lots of building and digging continues in order to ensure that the £56m, 20 screen mutliplex cinema complex (with parking for 1000 cars!), doesn't get off the drawing board. Wanna get there? By train to Crystal Palace station, by tube to Brixton then No3 bus.
Details etc:  0181 7617826

Bingley Bypass

Still awaiting decision by John Prescott. In desperate need of bodies, so get there.
Contact:  01274 504626  for details/directions etc


The camp is protesting against a greenbelt housing development.
Contact:  01248 351541  or  0836 563980  for details

Ashton Court (Bristol)

20 acre quarry extension into Ashton Court public park.
Info:  0467 430211

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