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From: "SchNEWS"
To: "SchNEWS Subscribers"
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 11:15:46 +0000
Subject: SchNEWS 160, 27 March 1998

Crystal Palace Park (London)


As protestors are evicted from Kingston, they are taking up the invitation to join the camp at Crystal Palace Park, just ten miles away. The Grade II listed park, on the highest point in London, is about to be carved up to make way for a 56M ukp, 20-screen multiplex cinema with 9 bars and parking for 1,000 cars

John Prescott, as head of the Department of Environment, has OK'd the venture without a public enquiry. Last July 594 out of 600 people at a public meeting voted against Bromley Council's proposals. Five thousand residents have since signed a petition against the development. Friends of the Earth said Mr Prescott had "lost the plot!".

Planning permission was agreed on Tuesday. The architect Ian Richie, told disgruntled residents: "I'm glad people don't like it - it confirms my belief that it is a good design".

The development sets a precedent for the new gov'nt buzz word "park-stripping', whereby areas of a parkland can be sold to developers to pay for the upkeep of the rest

* Get there! By train: Crystal Palace Stn - by tube: to Brixton then No. 3 bus (20 mins) - Tel: 0181 761 7826

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