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From: "SchNEWS"
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 15:21:29 +0000
Subject: SchNEWS 156, 27 February 1998

Mill Flean (Derby)

Demolition Derby

After Derby Council demolished the Grade 1 listed Mill Flean for a `Filter Rd'. Locals reclaimed the city centre site at 6 in the morning last Saturday telling the busies they were setting up a party, (try that down south!) One of the plod pointed to a Section 6. "We know what you're up to, we're just here to monitor the situation and make sure you don't interfere with the public and they don't interfere with you". The site was bequeathed to the people of Derby by the Bass family as a wildlife site. There are already 20 people on site with tree houses being built and nearby residents donating food and beer from from day one. A local television comp. ran a vox pop which turned up 8 locals against the road for every two that wanted it so it should prove to be a lively one.

Contact: Friends of the Earth 01332 727237

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