road protests 1998
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From: "SchNEWS"
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 15:21:29 +0000
Subject: SchNEWS 156, 27 February 1998
Countryside Alliance - who are they?
Unholy Alliance
"We are marshalling the Peasantry" The Duke of Northumberland
The 1st Countryside Rally, held last July, kicked into action
the usually complacent county fat cats. Michael Foster's Wild Mammals
Bill (Hunting with Dogs) is symbolic of more than the protection of
our wildlife.
Important as that is, it is the first battle in the war on the
elusive 1% who own between 50 -75% of the land we live on.
(Because of evasive tax laws nobody knows the true figure).
This time around however, in an attempt to gain the sympathy of us
`townies' the rich Landowners are hiding behind the very real
grievances held by the rural population: 93% of villages have
no railway, 71% no buses, 80% no doctor and 1 in 3 agricultural
workers live in tied accommodation (homes that go with the job).
Are we to believe,then, that the hunting fraternity has suddenly
decided to stand up for the rights of the `peasants'?
"With just over a week to go, we are aware of 1,891 coaches, and 23 chartered trains with block booking and extra carriages on a further 40 booked by local hunts."
- Janet George, Countryside Alliance.
The baying pack of an endangered species descends on London this coming
Sunday (1st March). This, the second event to be organised by the
Countryside Alliance claims to be able to attract some 150,000 pissed-off
country folk "It is the purpose of the Countryside Business Group (CBG)
to provide the necessary financial resources to restore the balance"
Hugh Van Cutsem, Chairman.
Who are the Countryside Alliance? Well, The British Fields Sports Society
are easy enough, their members are the scum who like to kill things,
The Countryside Movement was set up to counter animal rights campaigns,
The Countryside Business Group is the most interesting. In an alliance
of everything British, we find the founder is the American millionaire
Eric Bettelheim, the chairman is Dutch and their press officer Janet
George is Australian! SchNEWS has found it almost impossible to find
out who is in the CBG, but we do know that the companies who are members
are using a green lion logo in their advertising (check out `Country Life').
Yet hiding behind all of these, (you won't find their name on any publicity),
is that modest little group The Country Landowners Association. Lord David
Steel, ex Liberal, is their spokesman for a cool £90,000 a year, and
one known member is the Duke of Westminster, the countryside's biggest
landowner and leaseholder of much of the high value property in London.
Hmm, just the sort of people that you would expect to be to concerned
about farm labourers wages or the lack of a local bus service. It would
seem that the main agenda remains the same, i.e. preserving the rights
of a privileged few to do as they please in their own homes on their
own land (which their ancestors stole from the commoners in the
18th century Enclosure Acts). The fact that the inclusion of certain
issues in the C.L.A.'s agenda smack of blatant hypocrisy seems to have
passed them by.
For example, according to its own publicity, the C.L.A. represents
`people dismayed about plans to allow speculative building on greenbelt
land'. The owner of the Sutton Estate in Newbury upon discovering that
the bypass was to cross his land, was so"dismayed", he requested
permission to build 1,600 houses, an hotel and an 18-hole golf
course next to the road. A letter from the House Builder's Federation,
to the C.L.A. professes full support for hunting: `The intrusion of
urban activists into country sports, surely equally offends most
right thinking people in the towns as well as the countryside'.
He goes on to state that he wishes to counter `the deliberately
misleading impression that thousands of square miles of Britain's
rightly cherished heritage is under threat from house building'.
According to the C.L.A. , everyone attending the march will be there
to air some grievance relating to the countryside. What they fail to
mention, funnily enough, is the fact that many people are being
ordered to attend by their Feudal employers, under threat of losing
their jobs, and in some cases their homes, as many rural workers
still live in accommodation tied to their work.
road protests 1998
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