road protests 1997
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from SchNEWS
- Iss 142, 7th Nov 97
Reclaim the Streets
A Worldwide Reclaim The Streets (RTS) linkup on November 1st saw 3 parties
go off (as simultaneously as differing time-zones would allow) in Oxford,
Sydney and Berlin. After escorting Rinky Dink soundsystem out of the
county, impounding Sparky the solar rig under section 63 of the Criminal
Justice Act., Oxford cops graciously offered potential revellers a back
street to party on, but, the crowd seized Cowley Road instead. A sound
system got in amid a police charge, and the party was on- hard house,
techno and a few bands too, with pensioners, crusties and shopkeepers all
joining in the fun which finished at 7pm with a big litter-pick, leaving
only police horse-shit to foul the street. Meanwhile, the first RTS down
under was a total success: nearly 3000 people blockaded Sydney's Enmore Rd,
a sound system was wheeled in in a metallic tower like Mediaeval siege
equipment, and a permaculture garden was constructed in the middle of the
street. RTS are keen to establish a working group to ensure the road is
regularly closed down for parties, no doubt to the annoyance of the local
petrol station owner who decided the whole demo was directed at him
personally! And Berlin? We're still waiting to hear from `em!
road protests 1997
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