road protests 1997
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Date: Wed, 23 Jul 1997 01:53:53 +0100
From: Road Alert!
Subject: Latest massages
> The Brewery Fields celebration/gathering is now between the dates of 26th
> to 31st July, so if you can tear yourself away from your computer then
> another area of beautiful meadows and trees needs some solidarity. The
> Council wants to build on this meadow. Local people are welcome and indeed
> part of this gathering/campaign and desperately want no building here.
> There will be nature walks, balloon making, bird watching, face painting,
> kite making, permaculture, new games and new friends. North Wales Wildlife
> Trust will be running competitions and a stall. We need to show that the
> peoples' true consciousness is real and stronger than the fear/power used by
> the dodgy handshake councillors to try and control us.
> Directions: Brewery Fields are in Bangor, North Wales. From the railway
> station turn left. Just past Safeways turn left up Ffridoedd Road. At the
> end turn left on to Belmont Road. Turn next right down Lon-y-bryn. Brewery
> Fields are at the end (beyond the School).
> Please walk, run, cycle, train or bus it.
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road protests 1997
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