road protests 1997
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Date: Wed, 04 Jun 1997 14:34:56 +0100
From: Road Alert!
Subject: NEWS
Road Traffic Reduction Bill
> As many of you know, the Road Traffic Reduction Bill went through at the
> end of the last perliament. However, it had large chunks cut out of it.
> So FoE/Green Party are trying to get the rest through now. Cynog Davies,
> the Plaid Cymru/Green Party MP, has been chosen as number 5 on the private
> members ballot, so he will take it up. It also requires other MPs to
> support it, and make sure that no-one blocks it.
> So, write to your MP, and ask them to sign Early Day Motion (EDM) 18 in
> support of the bill. Write to them AS A CONSTITUENT at the House of
> Commons, London, SW1A 0AA, or call them on 0171 219 3000, or email them
> (see below). Any difficulties, phone 0171 490 1555 x. 1414 for advice on
> how to proceed.
> Also, lobby the transport ministers (John Prescoot - Secretary of State
> for the Environment, Transport and the Regions - and Gavin Strang -
> Minister of Transport).
> Quite a few MPs have email addresses. For Cambridge, Anne Campbell's
> email address is
> Other MP's email addresses can be found at
> bye for now
> Hamish
> Hamish Downer (01223) 336176 (until end of June)
> Churchill College, Cambridge, CB3 0DS
road protests 1997
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