road protests 1997
| road protests (current)
| movement links
Date: Thu, 29 May 1997 02:27:10 GMT
From: undercurrents
To: The CND staff team
Subject: undercurrents 7 needs your videos
Undercurrents -the movements video news network is putting together its next
release -number 7 will be launched in july and previewed at Glastonbury festival
If anyone has short videos or has video taped actions please get them to us NOW!
Undercurretns supports environemtal and peace and social justice issues.
You can check our web site at
Our address to send tapes(we will return them!) is
16b cherwell st
oxford ox 4 1 bg
phone 01865 303663
undercurrents (
road protests 1997
| road protests (current)
| movement links