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Date: Tue, 06 May 1997 23:48:30 +0100
From: Road Alert!
Subject: Anti-nuclear protests in Ukraine and Russia

A report from our eastern comrades / star brothers and sisters...

On April, 23th, the eve of 11th Anniversary of Chernobyl, group of activists from enviromental movement "Rainbow Keepers", "Ecodefence"(Ecozahust) and NECO groups blockaded Ukrainian Presiden's residance in Kiev/Ukraine to protest Ukrainian nuclear policy.

Activists demanded that President and Government
- shut downthe Chernobyl' NPP,
- to refuse their plans of creating a "closednuclear fuel cycle" in Ukraine and starting-up new reactors at Rivno and Khmelnitsky NPPs. - to stop uranium mining in Ukraine and to stop Nuklear Energy Development Program and to redistribute the finances from this program in developing of energy effitiency technologys.

Ukrainian Energy Production has decreased by30%, due to a lack of demand, which is related to economical crysis. Furthermore Ukrainian Parlament has refused financial help to stop Chernobyl NPP. Instead of that, 9.04.1997, the Parlament desided to finance a starting-up a 2-nd Chernobyl reactor, which is in need of repaer.

The Government is also planing to complete the new reactors in Rivno and Khmelnitsky NPPs, and has issued the resolution which will create a closed nuclear cycle in the Ukraine including mining, production, usege, processing and storing of nuclear fuel. That will make possible for Ukraine to produce nuclear fuel by itself. As a result the ukranian nuclear industry will develop and will allow to start and use new reactors. The accompanying uranium mining will grow by a factor of 3.

On April, 23, early in the morning, the center of Kiev was crowded with militia carring mashine-guns. The streets where the Presidental and other governmental buildings are located were blocked and all central streets were patroled. It was already 3rd Chernobyl anniversary, when the Government forbided all kind of public actions.

Using secondary streets, there were only 11 activists, who succeeded in coming close to the residence. There was much press coverege including 15 video-cameras from main national TV- chanals, BBS, Reuter etc. The activists unrolled a banner and chained themselves to the gates. Then an improvised press-conference took plase for 45 minutes, untill activists were arrested without any previous warnings. After 6 houres they were released with obligation to come to the court 23.05.97.

The next day there was a press-conference organized with activists and Vladimir Usatenko, expert of Parlament's Chernobyl comission. Unlike last years, media coverage was active and quite positive. All national TV- channels were running reports about the action for 2-3 days, and majority of national newspars had articles about the protest on the first page.

For 3 years now groups have worked together organizing those kinds of direct actions in Kiev. Last year after the blockade of Kabinet of Ministers 25 activists were arrested and 5 of them jailed for 3-5 days.

From July15th to August15th 1997 the "Rainbow Keepers" movement, wich is active on the xUSSR teritory, will also organize an international direct action camp against the completition of Rostov NPP.

For more information or a copy of the video contakt:

"Rainbow Keepers", "Ecodefence", NECO
tel: (38044) 263-4954, 265-7628, 417-8956
PO Box:322, Kiev 252187, Ukraine
E-mail: /


In 1996, year of Chernobyl unniversary, the radical environmental movement the "Rainbow Keepers" had renewed his antinuclear activity.

In April, on the day of Chernobyl unniversary, in Kiev, activists from the "Rainbow Keepers" and from other environmental groups blocaded Ukrainian Kabinet of ministry with the slogan "Stop Nuclear Expantion in Ukraine". The militia attaked protesters, and 5 of them was sentenced to 3 and 5 days of arrest. The same action has repeated on April 23rd, 1997.

In August the "Rainbow Keepers" will organize a strong campaign against completion of the Rostov NPP building in Russia. After 5 weeks of vicious strugle with actions in many points of Rostov region, the "Rainbow Keepers" sucseeded to make local power refuse from their plans of RoNPP immediate completion.

But the problem has to be decided finaly. So, we are going to make a big international campaign to reach that.

We need a wide support for that so as your personal participation and as financial and info ones.

We are planing to make an activ campaign from 15 July to 15 August 1997 and we are asking european environmental and anarchy - groups to try do not plan your oun international actions for the same time, and to include our action to your calendars. ******************

"Rainbow Keepers" - it's radical enviromental movement, wich is mostly active on the x-USSR territory, and known for it's non-compromise strugle for defending enviroment so as methods of subotage and as methods of popular summer camps of protest. The movement knowm not the less than Greenpeace, but hasn't permanent buget and payment staff.

You have an unique possibility to participate in our summer camp of protest, in workshops and discutions near a bonfire, in blocades and demonstration, and, maybe, if you'll be luky, you'll have an excurtion to the russian jail. You can be sure, you'll have a chance to acquaint with militia and NPP security forces at least.

If you want to participate this action, please inform the working group beforehand, so that we can make an official invitation for your in time.

Also, we are asking to analise the possibility of info-, financial and other support and to spread this infirmation as wide as possible.


For additional info and for any other questions, please, contact with members of working group personly, to avoid missunderstandings.

Working group contacts:
Nadia Shevchenko, Irina Korol <,>,
Sergey Fomichov <>,
Vlad Tupikin and Artem Shlenov <>

P.O.Box 14, Nizhni Novgorod, 603082, Russia.

For urgent contacts, plase call:

(38044) 263-49-54 Nadia or Irina (Rus., Ukr., English)
7 (831) 354-38-96 Sergey (Rus., English)
7 (095) 311-11-80 Vlad (Rus.)
7 (095) 278-51-77 Artem (Rus., English)
7 (095) 954-91-93 Maxim (Rus., Spanish)

Fax: (38044) 550-60-68 (for Nadia or Irina)
or 7 (095) 298 30 87 (for Rainbow Keepers)


Prague International Anti-Nuclear Office
Chvalova 3
Praha 3
13000 Czech Rep.


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