road protests 1997
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Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 12:32:20 +0000
From: Road Alert!
Dear All,
Please get this advert printed in or forwarded to, any publications you
know, and send it out on your own mailing lists. We can't take orders by
e-mail, but hopefully we will get it posted on the www one day. We still
need cash for printing, so please be generous when ordering.
Available soon...
ROAD RAGING : Top Tips for Wrecking Road Building.
This book shares experiences of Nonviolent Direct Action against road
building in Britain from Twyford Down in 1992 to Newbury and Fairmile in
1997. This is not a coffee-table history book, but a practical, illustrated
guide for action. It is a total rewrite of "The Compleat Anti-Road Protester"
which was written in 1994.
"Road Raging" includes ideas on setting up non-hierarchical groups from
scratch, an up-to-date legal section (for England and Wales), publicity,
camps, evictions, on-site actions, bureaucrat baiting, street parties and
lots more.
Although the emphasis is on roads, we hope that many of the ideas
described in "Road Raging" could be used to help spark NVDA against other
environmentally destructive projects, such as airports, housing developments,
out of town shopping centres, multinational-owned burger bars, nuclear power
stations / waste storage facilities, genetic engineering test sites,
agribusiness and factory farming. We also hope that it will be of use to
people in other countries.
For a copy, send at least 3 ukp payable to Road Alert! (this is cost
price, not including postage) to:
Road Alert! PO Box 5544, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 5FB.
If you can afford more, we can send free copies to really poor NVDA
road protests 1997
| road protests (current)
| movement links