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From: "Save Swallow's Wood" (
Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 15:21:40 -0000
Subject: ACTION ALERT! Ask the NWDA and 4NW to STOP funding the Mottram-Tintwistle Bypass
There's a great opportunity to try and STOP the A628 bypass going ahead by asking the North West Development Agency (NWDA) and 4 North West (4NW) to withdraw funding for the scheme. The NW region is already 35% over budget, so they need to slash some schemes from their programme and we think Mottram-Tintwistle is the obvious candidate. We want them to reallocate the money from the bypass to sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives and for their actions to live up to their stated aims of "tackling climate change and mitigating its effects" making the issue of tackling climate change "central to the region's transport plans."
Fill out our online form - see
Send an e-mail to
Send a letter
Some sample text is copied below, or you can write your own letter/e-mail.
For more information please visit our website where we've set up a page explaining the background to the RFA and why we think 4NW should reconsider.
The deadline for responses is 30th January 2009, so please don't delay!
If we can stop the money flowing to this damaging road scheme we can stop it being built, so if you can network this e-mail to your friends contacts that would be greatly appreciated.
*********** SAMPLE LETTER ***********
Robert Bancroft
Policy Officer
Northwest Development Agency (NWDA)
PO Box 37
Renaissance House
Centre Park
Warrington WA1 1XB
Response to the 4NW and NWDA Regional Funding Advice, December 2008 (NW RFA) consultation draft.
Dear Mr. Bancroft,
I am writing to urge 4NW the NWDA to reconsider their support for the A628 Mottram Tintwistle bypass and the Glossop Spur when considering the spending priorities for the region in the RFA2 process.
I do not support the bypass proposals. I am very concerned that the scheme will increase traffic in the local area, that it will lead to increased levels of pollution and CO2, and that it will cause irreparable damage to the countryside.
If the Mottram Tintwistle bypass goes ahead an extra 15,000 tonnes per year of CO2 will be emitted into the atmosphere. Given the threat of climate change it seems inconceivable that we are still considering schemes that will increase levels of CO2 without giving due attention to less-polluting alternatives that would cost much less to implement. We should be funding public transport schemes, investing in the railways, further expanding the metro system, providing communities with integrated transport systems, and encouraging people to walk and cycle more, benefiting both the environment and human health. The Mottram Tintwistle bypass will achieve the direct opposite of all these aims, diverting funds from sustainable solutions that are in line with the latest thinking on transport and the environment.
Save Swallow's Wood
Tel - 0845 226 3392
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