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Date: Sun, 05 Oct 2008 14:43:13 +0100
Subject: Titnore etc

Dear friends and supporters,

Sorry for the short notice but there will be a special meeting to discuss the Titnore Woods situation following the radio interview James Appleton (Worthing's head of planning) did on Spirit FM. As many of you won't have heard that interview, a recording of it will be played at the meeting together with clips from other interviews made by our supporters. There will then be a discussion on the way forward and samples of objection letters to be sent. The meeting will be held in the upstairs meeting room at 'The Rest Bar' Bath Place, Worthing. It starts 8pm on Wednesday 8 October, 2008. Bath Place is the road where the side exit from Woolworth is.

Hope to see you there,


Protect Our Woodland -

PS As the meeting room is free to us, buying a drink a the Bar ensures it stays that way.


Date: Thu, 09 Oct 2008 08:50:39 +0100
Subject: Titnore plan - new info

Titnore Woods deadline for appeal objections extended

The deadline for objections to the Titnore Woods planning appeal has been extended, the borough council has now said. It was originally today (October 9), but comments will now be accepted until the end of this month (or even, apparently, up to two days before the committee meeting, but since nobody knows when that will be, that is not so helpful).

A campaigner has very helpfully tracked down the online location of a form, specific to the Titnore application, that can be filled in by anyone who has not yet sent in their objection. This is particularly handy if you are short of time, as it doesn't necessarily require any comments, just a box to tick saying you object. It can be found at -

It is also linked on the Camp Titnore page at

Meanwhile, a slight correction to the info about the fundraising meal for Titnore at the Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton, on Sunday October 12. The start time is in fact 2pm. Price per meal is expected to be around £5 or slightly less.

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