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Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2008 20:06:07 +0100
Subject: Titnore Woods
Titnore Woods - revised planning application available
We have received the following urgent message from Protect Our Woodland! Also, a reminder that the Titnore situation will be discussed at tomorrow's (Thursday) Worthing Alliance meeting. 8pm at The Rest, Bath Place, Worthing. Some of the campers hope to be there too.
Dear Friends and Supporters,
The revised planning application has now been posted on Worthing Borough Council's website at -
As you will see towards the end of their Greenwash statement there are a great number of large volumes that will unfortunately need Broadband to download most of them, that is unless you are prepared to tie up your phone line for hours. Clearly we are going to need help if we are going to make a strong case against this development before the deadline of 9 October 2008 and therefore we are asking everyone, do you have any expertise in any of the subjects the volumes relate to? if so the woodland and environs would be most grateful for that expertise. Please reply to this e-mail if you can help, or forward it to someone you know who might be able too.
Grateful thanks,
email -
web -
Ideas currently being floated are -
1) A leaflet drop specifically worded to each estate, i.e Warning about the impact Tesco will have on the quality of life around Fullbeck Ave. Loss of amenity for those off Adur Ave etc etc
2) That drop followed by signatures collected on a petition
3) A public relations campaign with new info centre + open days
4) Fund raising
PS Climbing tat, timber beams, tools, rope, wheel barrows, nails etc all required. Also please forward this to other like minded folk, the more ideas at the meeting the better.
more info -
From: Jo Makepeace (
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 22:03:16 +0100
Subject: SchNEWS 644, Friday 29th August 2008
Titnore Woods campaigners have sent out an urgent call for action before the October 9th deadline to object to the revised plan published by the council for a Tesco supermarket, housing and road development on the ancient woodland (See SchNEWS 547).
While the two-year-old treetop protest camp has had huge success in forcing Worthing council to redraw the plans - saving 200 trees from destruction (see SchNEWS 562) - the new plans still involve a new housing and utility building complex. Help is needed now to fight the scheme and raise awareness in the local community.
To read the planning application and for more info see
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