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From: worthing eco-action (
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 09:38:00 +0100
Subject: Porkbolter 85

Camp Titnore celebrates second birthday May 24

Two years up Titnore trees!

IT'S party time again for Titnore Woods campaigners, with the popular treetop protest camp in West Durrington ready to notch up an amazing two years at the end of May!

Supporters are being invited to turn up outside Worthing Town Hall at 2pm on Saturday May 24, equipped for a party atmosphere - party hats, balloons and music are all recommended! As well as celebrating the camp's second birthday, the Chapel Road event will serve as a reminder to the council that public opposition to the massive housing development and new mega-Tesco remains strong. By that time, the council may well be looking at the new planning application for the housing estate, which has been threatened for some time, and campaigners will be looking to up the pressure on our supposed democratic representatives, who have a nasty habit of siding with property developers rather than the public.

Meanwhile, there was a timely reminder that the 900-odd homes planned for the West Durrington countryside need not even be built, with the Worthing Herald reporting (January 31) that there are still 900 empty private properties in the borough. But then, the Titnore development is not really about providing homes for local people, but about fat profits for the usual greedy businessmen.

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