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Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 17:12:15 -0000
Subject: [saveswallowswood] Campaign Update + Woodhead Tunnel Demonstration

Save Swallows Wood Campaign - demo (12th January 2008) and petition

Dear Supporter,

With 2008 well and truly underway here's an update on the inquiry, a petition for you to sign calling for an end to it, and some information about the new campaign to safeguard the Woodhead tunnel for rail use. Save the Woodhead Tunnel have organised to take place this Saturday, so please come along if you can!

Public Inquiry Shambles

On December 18th the Inquiry opened again only to close shortly after the Highways Agency revealed that they had no idea how much work they would have to do or how long it will take. They have admitted that all the efforts of all objectors and supporters have been a complete waste of time and money. Barristers from Natural England and the Peak District National Park Authority put this across in the strongest Barrister-speak possible, raising the possibility of a legal challenge if, at the end of the Inquiry, the Inspector ruled in favour of the scheme. The transcript is available here -

As objectors we are now calling for an end to the Inquiry. We consider the Highways Agency should go away, do it's homework carefully and thoroughly and come back with one clear set of figures, one clear set of documents, so everyone can start again. Please sign the petition calling for an end to the Inquiry -

The inquiry has been adjourned indefinitely, and the costs are mounting up. An article published in the MEN today shows the cost so far at £13.7 million -

Approximately £4 million of this is on the inquiry alone, so you can reckon on them spending at least that again before (if) the inquiry finishes.

Woodhead Tunnel Demonstration

The Woodhead tunnel campaign is gaining momentum, with interest from local and national press and a 44 MPs having now signed the early day motion. The campaign group have organised a demonstration to take place this Saturday. Details of the demonstration are available on the campaign website -

[warning - this blog ignores the basic rule of web design ( KISS ) and takes forever to load - Weed, 10 Jan 08]

Date - Saturday, January 12, 2008
Time - 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Location - Woodhead tunnel (Crowden side)

bike - walk - cycle - samba - speakers

Please visit the campaign website for the latest information and to find out more about the demonstration. Check out the "4 things you can do" page to add your voice to the campaign. If you're on Facebook, please join the Save the Woodhead Tunnel group -


Save Swallow's Wood Campaign
Tel - 0845 226 3392
E-mail -
Website -

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