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Date: Thu, 9 Aug 2007 11:33:33 +0100
Subject: [saveswallowswood] Nature Walk and Picnic, Sunday 19th August
Swallows Wood - nature walk and picnic, Sunday 19th August 2007
Dear Supporter,
We have decided to try and make the most of the summer (as long as it lasts) and are organising a nature walk and picnic on Sunday 19th August. The walk will begin at 11am, and the picnic at 1pm.
The walk will be led by Pat, who knows everything there is to know about our local area, and an ecologist who also knows the local area. Together they'll both be on hand to tell us everything you might want to know about the plants and wildlife on our doorstep. We will also show you the specific areas in and around the nature reserve that would be affected by the bypass proposals, should they go ahead.
After the walk we'll find a nice spot to rest and have lunch.
Feel free to come along to one or both events.
For the walk, we will meet at the public footpath sign (just after the entrance to Arnfield Reservoir) off Crossgate Lane, Tintwistle.
For the picnic, we will meet at the entrance to the Swallow's Wood nature reserve, which is along the path from Crossgate Lane. Turn left and follow the public footpath off Crossgate Lane. Go through the kissing gate, then turn left (through the gate) to Arnfield reservoir. The path bears right then left (keeping the stream on your right). Follow this all the way round until reach another kissing gate, at the entrance to the nature reserve. We will meet here, by the information board.
See for a map of the meeting place for the start of the walk and access to the reserve off Crossgate Lane.
Call/e-mail if you're unsure where to meet.
Bring along some food and something to sit on, if you're coming for the picnic. Please dress appropriately (waterproofs if it's raining, sun cream/hats if it's not) and wear sensible shoes.
We're not charging for the walk (we never do) but any donations will be gratefully accepted.
Hope to see you there!
Best wishes,
Pat & Emma
Save Swallow's Wood Campaign
Tel - 0845 226 3392
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