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From: "Save Swallow's Wood :: Info" (
Subject: [saveswallowswood] Public Inquiry Update and Call for Help
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 00:03:45 +0100
Swallow's Wood newsletter - 29 June 2007
See below for a report on the first day of the public inquiry.
We urgently need more local residents to come forward and speak at the public inquiry. Many supporters of the scheme will be there to say their piece, we need to counter this with local people speaking out against the scheme. You don't have to submit written evidence, just notify the organisers of your intention so speak (we have copies of the form that you need to fill out and can sort it all out for you). Times and dates will then be arranged at a time to suit, probably after the summer break (see below for some idea of the schedule).
Please consider whether this is something you are willing to do. The only way this will really be a "public" inquiry is if people come forward and say their piece to the Inspector, who will then decide the fate of our valley.
Contact Emma on 01457 765672 or e-mail for more information.
Update on opening day of the public inquiry
The public inquiry opened on Tuesday (June 26th) with an agenda from the Inspector that contained the word adjournment. We knew the Highways Agency had presented, at the end of last week, 169 pages of errata to the Environmental Statement, giving us (and the Inspector) no time to peruse it and calling into question the credibility of themselves and the scheme.
What we did not know was the catalogue of other errors - they failed to put 44/330 documents on deposit as required by law and to put a computer in one of the libraries so that all the electronic copies of documents could be viewed, and put in two proofs late. There were also errata in the errata! When the Inspector went out of the room to consider what to do next he found himself locked out and had to bang on the door to get back in. So Highways Agency did not do themselves any favours. It was a real shambles.
Consequently, the objectors were given a new deadline for proofs of August 14th (deadline was 26th so that's an extra seven weeks) and the PI will kick off in earnest on Sept 4th.
The Inquiry will reconvene next Tuesday (3rd July) when the Highways Agency and Tameside will give their evidence. As objectors are not required to present their cases until after the summer break, there will be no cross questioning for the moment.
Important dates are -
- 3rd July - Inquiry starts, with HA, Tameside and other scheme supporters giving evidence
- 27th July - Inquiry breaks for the summer
- 14th August - Deadline for objectors' evidence
- 4th September - Inquiry restarts after the summer break. Objectors give evidence and cross-examine supporters
The inquiry timetable has yet to be published. Once this is available we will let you know.
Should you wish to read it, the transcript from Tuesday is available on the Persona website.
Best wishes,
And thanks for your support!
Save Swallow's Wood Campaign
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