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From: "Jo Makepeace" (
Subject: SchNEWS 586, Friday 4th May 2007
Date: Fri, 4 May 2007 15:47:57 +0100

work halted on M3 construction at Hill of Tara


More monumental events near the Hills of Tara this week, following on from last issue's story about the construction of a new motorway through the ancient seat of the Kings of Ireland (See SchNEWS 585). On Monday, the Irish transport minister turned the first shovel on the huge construction project (although presumably he intendeds to leave the rest of the dirty work to poorly paid contractors) - but good news came just one day later when work had to be halted when workers stumbled upon the ruins of an ancient enclosure many thousands of years old.

The discovery of this archaeologically important ancient ruin, most likely an iron or bronze-age wooden henge site, means the scheme has to be stop for now, pushing the road plans back and buying some time for the Save Tara protest groups. Unfortunately, under the recent National Monuments (Amendment) Act 2004, the government are now free to decide on which ancient pieces of national heritage they wish to desecrate in the name of 'progress' - as long as they 'consult' with the director of the National Museum.

The reports are that Minister for the Environment Dick 'Cock' Roche has already issued draft directions that would allow for the destruction of the henge - consulting (i.e. telling) the National Museum to preserve the henge "by record", meaning some photographs and written records being made before the bulldozing and concreting continues...It seems the protest campers may not be redundant just yet (there's real job security in protesting).

For more see


UPDATE - 25 MAY 2007

From: "Jo Makepeace" (
Subject: SchNEWS 589, Friday 25th May 2007
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 20:35:15 +0100

Irish Stew

Despite the recent legal ruling stopping road-building destruction at part of the Tara Heritage site in Ireland, the campaign to stop other work continues. People blocked access to the site outside Dublin for thirty hours over last weekend, holding their ground from Friday night to Saturday afternoon and halting work on the road.. The police reckoned they had a right to stand there so didn't nick anyone! Private security goons bravely assaulted a woman at the blockade. Monday saw more direct action, with all access to the site blocked for vehicles. The campaign needs people right now with a graveyard at Collierstown under imminent threat.

Ireland's Government face a General election next week and the fallout may well see a power-sharing with the up-and-coming Green Party. The Save Tara Campaign intend to hold out till then.

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