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From: "Rebecca Lush" (
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 14:50:14 -0000
Subject: Take Action - help stop THREE damaging road schemes

Dear Transport Campaigners,

Please take action against three hugely damaging road schemes that will destroy beautiful parts of the country.
These actions should take no longer than 2 minutes each.

These are -

1. The Westbury Bypass in an area famous for the Westbury White Horse.

2. The Mottram-Tintwistle Bypass which would encroach into the Peak District National Park.

3. The Heysham to M6 Link Road which would damage Green Belt and increase CO2 by 24,000 tonnes a year

The deadlines for these two actions are tight so please take action as soon as possible and pass this message onto your friends and family.

1. Object to the Westbury Bypass Planning Application - by 23 March 2007

Wiltshire County Council has just published their second planning application for the £33 million Westbury Bypass. This scheme is very damaging, and large numbers of objections are essential, as the council are also applying for Government funding approval this year. Please help to save Westbury's White Horse and Wellhead Valley for future generations - send an objection in today!

Please go to Wiltshire County Council's web page for Objections -

You have to put in your name, email and address. In the Comments box please put clearly that you are OBJECTING. If you wish you could cut and paste the below into the comments box but using your own text would be preferable.

I object to the Westbury Eastern Bypass on the following grounds -

- this road would be an ugly, noisy intrusion into the protected landscape to the east of Westbury, destroying the tranquil setting of the Westbury White Horse

- the habitat of protected species including bats and dormice would be destroyed and 'mitigation' being proposed is experimental and risky

- polls of local residents and businesses have consistently rejected an eastern bypass route

- this scheme threatens the protected water source at Wellhead

- WCC have not properly investigated alternatives, including options which would improve access to the trading estate and the railway station on the western side of town

The deadline is 23 March so please do not delay and pass this onto all your contacts. Thank you.

If you would like more information on the campaign against the Westbury Bypass please see -

The A36/A350 Corridor Alliance -
Westbury Bypass Alliance -

2. Stop the Mottram-Tintwistle bypass - by 30 March 2007

The Highways Agency has published details of the proposed Mottram-Tintwistle bypass.

This road would be highly damaging and wasteful. It would -

- be 5.6km long, damaging local farmland and a nature reserve, with the last 1.4km cutting through the Peak District National Park.

- cost £184 million, which could be invested in public transport or rail-freight alternatives

- increase traffic levels in the local and surrounding areas, including the National Park

- raise local levels of climate-changing CO2 by 9%

Object to the road before Friday 30th March by using the online form at -
Please pass this message onto your friends and family.

To find out more about this damaging road scheme, visit

3. Stop the Heysham-M6 link road - by Thursday 22 March 2007

The Heysham-M6 link road will be going to a full Public Inquiry later this year. The Planning Inspector who will preside over the Inquiry has asked for comments about the scheme before Thursday 22nd March.

Please email the Inspectorate at with some or all of the following points -

- the road does not address Lancaster & Morecambe's congestion problems

- the regeneration claims are flawed and now discredited

- the public consultation was inadequate

- it destroys our Green Belt, many veteran trees and protected hedgerows

- it damages communities and brings noise, air and light pollution to many homes

- it will increase greenhouse gases, including 24,000 tonnes of CO2 each year

- it increases the flood risk of the River Lune at Halton

- it is poor value for money, with escalating costs & exaggerated benefits

- it does not consider the many sustainable transport alternatives to road building

- it encourages increased road usage, contrary to government imperatives

For more information on this road scheme, go to the excellent website produced by the local campaign group, Transport Solutions for Lancaster and Morecambe -

You will subsequently be contacted by the Planning Inspector. At this point, you may wish to inform them that you are happy for your views to be represented by TSLM.


Rebecca Lush FRSA
Roads and Climate Campaigner
Transport 2000: Putting people and the environment first
The Impact Centre, 12-18 Hoxton Street, London N1 6NG
Telephone - 020 7613 7721
Mobile - 07854 693067
Fax - 020 7613 5280
E-mail -
Main website -
Road Block website -

Expanding the railways, improving bus services, demanding streets for people, tackling the growth in aviation and addressing the root causes of climate change are Transport 2000's key campaign priorities in 2007.

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