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From: "Road Block" (
Subject: I Count Climate Change event - 4 Nov
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2006 17:59:32 +0100

I Count event & Climate Change march - 4 November 2006

Dear road campaigners,

I am sure you have 4 November in your diaries as the I Count event in Trafalgar Square and the Campaign Against Climate Change march will be the biggest events about climate change ever. I hear from the organisers that everything is coming together well. The authorities are being very cooperative, the line-up is closer to being confirmed, numbers are looking good and the big Campaign Against Climate Change march and the People and Planet carnival, along with hundreds of cyclists, will make something of an entrance part way through the proceedings. The buzz is definitely building.

This email is to let you know where you can find information about what is happening, transport and how to get involved (stewards are desperately needed). Also a number of us want to get 1000's of postcards signed to send to the transport minister saying we want to send an end to roadbuilding, and we would love your help.


12pm. Rally at US Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London.
Speakers include George Monbiot and Zac Goldsmith.
Organised by the Campaign Against Climate Change -

1pm. March for Global Climate Justice from the US Embassy to Trafalgar Square
to join the I Count event

1-3pm - I Count event in Trafalgar Square organised by Stop Climate Chaos
- see and

Get involved

1.  Firstly, make sure you have signed up to the I Count campaign here -

2.  Please publicise this any way you can
- to colleagues, activists, friends, neighbours....
go to for viral emails and other useful ideas!

3.  Stewards are urgently needed
- contact Zuhura Plummer at

4.  Transport details can be found here -
Megabus tickets are available at £2 each way, but you must book early

5.  Contact me at the Road Block office to let me know if you would like to help
to get 1000's of postcards signed and collected to send to the transport minister
We need as many people to help as possible.

I really hope you can come, and can help.

Best wishes, Rebecca Lush

Road Block
020 7729 6973 / 07854 693067

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