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From: "Jo Makepeace" (
Subject: SchNEWS 561, Friday 22nd September, 2006
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 03:03:24 +0100
Titnore Woods - mass mobilisation - 7 October 2006
A partial victory for protesters at Titnore Woods (See SchNEWS 558) this week. The council have announced that after 'further consideration' there is no need to undertake part of the road plan, leading to the saving of 200 trees. The next step is to keep up the pressure and save the woods where the camp is - to this end a Mass Mobilisation has been called for Saturday October 7th. Meet 2pm outside Durrington railway station on main South Coast line (two stops west of Worthing) to head en masse for the woods.
Also, food donations for the camp can now be made in central Worthing, thanks to Down to Earth healthfood shop, at 175 Montague Street (towards Rowlands Road, nearly opposite the Co-op), open from 9.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Saturday.
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road protests (current)
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