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From: "Jo Makepeace" - (
Subject: SchNEWS Issue 542 - Friday 4th May
Date: Fri, 5 May 2006 20:21:27 +0100


Work may be about to start on the proposed M74 motorway running straight through Glasgow. Despite being rejected by a Public Local Enquiry, the Scottish Executive is pressing ahead regardless. This week at Eglinton Toll, in the pathway of the road and the site of the Cre8 Summit last year (see SchNEWS 501), workers cleared, leveled and graveled most of the site. This comes after other tree felling and clearing at another site, and the SE continuing to purchase land along the route.

* Next meetings of JAM74 - 9th & 23rd May, 7.30pm
Govanhill Neighbourhood Centre, 6 Daisy Street, Glasgow G42 8JL

* For more see

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