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From: "Jo Makepeace"
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 01:52:53 +0100
Subject: SchNEWS 518, 28th October, 2005
Titnore Woods demo 29th October 2005
It seems that Sussex police took the planned 'vigil for the death of democracy', demo (called by Titnore Emergency Action (TEA) in Worthing) a little too literally - by trying to ban it. Irony proof plod Superintendent Lance Gray was scaremongering in local rag The Argus under the headline "Police fears over vigil to halt new homes" and claiming that "police have not been officially notified and fear the protest could become unruly". He also claimed that you have to inform the police of any protests by law - not yet true, despite Neo Labour's best efforts.
The demo is about the plan to build an 875 home housing development and road-widening at which will ruin the local Titnore Woods, Durrington. The alarmist Argus report read "Notice of the demonstration has spread by word of mouth and community websites in Worthing" (Are you scared yet?) and referred to a 'secret' protest (not secret, just badly advertised) in its editorial comment. According to them "The Sussex Force has a good record of working with lawful protests". The reality of the police approach is, of course, rather different. Sussex residents in the past have discovered that the boys in blue want to tell them where and when they can protest, put limits on numbers, insist on stewards being provided and even demand that organisers take out public liability insurance.
The protest will go ahead without state authority this Saturday (29th) at the Titnore Lane roundabout, junction with the A259 next to Northbrook College, close to Goring by Sea station.(Any outside agitators from Brighton who want to go, meet at Brighton station 1.15 pm).
road protests (current)
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